Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gratuitous fashion spread...

Camilo has some great clothes, thanks in large part to our creative and generous family and friends! Now that we're growing out of the newborn sized items (at 8 weeks!), I'd like to say a fond farewell to some of our favorites...

The famous barnacle onesie! Thank you Kendra!!!
An homage to my father and a former favorite shirt of his. Pick a winner.
An Eomer onsie!
A typical Joan ensemble:  multiple tones of blue.
Camilo spit up a lot of milk on Ziggy Stardust's face!
So snuggly! This was his "going home" oufit.  They say in Chile that going home in something yellow is good luck!

 ...and a sneak preview of size 3M!!!

Be careful dressing your baby in the same shade and texture as the couch - you might lose him! Also it's a phylogenetic tree!!!

Halloween costume: chubbiest baby skeleton on the block! (plus bonus Eomer)
Is he a polar bear cub or an albino Ewok?

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Las Cruces, Region V, Chile