Our doc says it's almost time! So today we do last minute prep, pack the car, and set up residency in Santiago - 2 hours closer to the hospital. Even though it's more comfortable being at home, I'm looking forward to being in the big city for a little while! We can visit with friends, eat out at interesting restaurants, people watch, and all the other fun stuff of city life! Oh, and with all the new snow we've had in the Andes, Santiago is looking quite beautiful!
As for me, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm 36 weeks pregnant now - which is pretty amazing, considering all the contractions I've been having and that I was hospitalized for premature labor at 25 weeks! I'm hoping we make to 37-38 weeks, but we'll see- I'm getting pretty huge! But I don't think Chaka has officially "dropped" just yet, so we've got some waiting to do.
Last minute prep is all done... baby clothes are washed, Chaka's room is finished, hospital bags are packed, and Joan got the baby seat installed!
And Chaka, as my sister put it, is "already funny." At my last ultrasound (2 weeks ago) he refused to show us his face. He's already pointed headfirst towards the exit, with his face buried into my back. No matter what we did to get him to turn over a little, he'd just swat at us with his arm. In the end, we got to go home with a nice shot of his ass, legs spread wide. The technician was nice enough to point his giant scrotum, which Joan now refers to as the Death Star. Joan is looking for a nice frame for this shot, but I think it should be used for Christmas cards.... hahaha.
I love it! Sending Los of hugs to my favorite Chilean family;).
Fyi, the death star is now my screen saver. Is that weird? Wrong?
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