Thursday, August 2, 2012

Guess what we did last weekend!

We got married!  I still can't believe it - since we pulled it all together in about 5 days - but it really happened and it was wonderful! 

We had a civil ceremony at a local winery. A week before we bought rings, outfits (I sewed all of mine), and invited our guests. And since none of our North American family could make it on such short notice, I walked down the aisle with Eomer.

Our civil ceremony was short and sweet and as attended by only Joan's immediate family and our closets friends Elliott and Alba.  We HAD planned on marrying earlier, but with my health in question and being placed on strict bedrest, we put off planning anything until the last minute.  Well the week before, my doctor checked my cervix (TMI, I know) and gave us the go ahead of "lighter" bedrest, so we went ahead and did it!

We had two sets of official witness - the people we share so much of our lives with and who we love very much: Alba and Elliott (left) and Joan's brother Pato and his girlfriend Paula.

Almost all of Joan's immediate family was able to make it. From left to right, oldest brother Paulo, his girlfriend Daniella, Andrea, brother Carlos, Joan's dad Patricio, Camilo, Me, Eomer, Joan, Ruth, Pato, and Paula.  Joan's sister Carola wanted to be there, but had problems getting a babysitter with the last minute notice we gave her about the big event.

You can hardly tell I'm pregnant, right? Ha! I'm 32 weeks here, but STILL walked around in 4 inch platform heels!

Even though we felt we didn't NEED to get married just because we're starting our family, in the end we just WANTED to!

Ok, so the 4 inch heels didn't stay on for too long -  but hey, I'm due next month and my feet and ankles are swollen!

My handsome husband with his handsome brothers, awaiting our delicious wedding lunch.

I just love this one!

After lunch, we headed back to our house for the reception, where 40+ other friends we're waiting!

We also got lucky and found Aunty Sue on Skype, so she got to be the first to hear our happy news AND she got tour of the party!

Some of the ladies from the marine lab and university - and of course, a burning man coat!

We were very fortunate that our wedding happened to coincide with visits from friends living far off - Fredy was in town for two days from Germany!

Looking at my potential future? It doesn't look too bad to me! :)

 It was tight in the kitchen, but I got lots of hugs from Evie, Sergio, and Julien!

Sadly, this is the only picture of food we got, but the spread was AMAZING! Tons of empanadas, delicious cheeses, meats, veggies, fruits, etc. Not that I got to partake, but we had a great bar too!

And what's a wedding without a champagne toast?

And who's idea was it anyway to buy so many cans of spray foam?! Oh, wait, it was my idea...

Throwing the bouquet...

...and Paula caught it! I guess the next wedding will be another Escobar wedding!

Our wedding cake: Lucuma merengue. The BEST cake Chile has to offer -it's delicious!

I swear I didn't mean to make a mess, but Joan wouldn't open his mouth!

But he got his revenge!

In the end, it was a great day. It turned out better than we could have possibly hoped for! But we couldn't have pulled it off without all help we got from friends and family - everyone really pulled together to make this special day for us!


Ellie said...

I'm crying. I hope you're happy.

Ellie said...

I love the last photo! You look so beautiful and happy.

Jenna said...

Well Ellie, you're discovered the REAL reason we got married -just to make you cry!

mcvhaak said...

OMG Jenna!!!!!!!!!!!!! You and Joan look amazing together! Congratulations on the wedding, the baby and the happy family!!!

Anonymous said...

ooooh!!!! you don't invite me :c

Dr. Kendra Karr said...

I love it!!!! Though a little bummed I didn't get to tell Joan's family funny Jenna stories, well that will have to wait. But, I love how happy the two of you look!!! lots of hugs.

About Me

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Las Cruces, Region V, Chile