Friday, January 10, 2014

Back in time! USA tour part 2 - Idaho!

Since I never got a chance to post these when I should of, here are some highlights of our visit to Idaho last October... (at least this is what Camilo TOLD me when I showed him all of these pictures!)

When I got to Idaho I had a pretty bad cold, but I was nice enough to share it right away with my grandma! So we cuddled a lot and we made each other feel better. 
I learned SO MUCH while visiting my grandma and grandpa, I should have taken notes! Grandma taught me that ANYTHING can be hat!
Grandma also taught me about licking chocolate cake batter off of a spatula! (But too bad my mean mommy took it away before I was finished with it - nevermind that there wasn't even a speck of chocolate left on it!)
Grandpa taught me to fish, but it was really REALLY cold by the lake, so I wasn't terrible impressed. Maybe if he caught me a bigger fish...?
Actually, I thought it was much more fun when Grandpa taught me how to clean fish!

I learned how to eat string cheese - everyday, when ever I wanted to, and to sometimes squish pieces of it into Grandma's carpet!

I learned how to make refined choices in alcoholic refreshment.

I learned that my mommy is a big nerd and that I was almost named Napoleon.

And the most important lesson of all: I learned about In N Out! Yummy milkshake and cheeseburger!

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Las Cruces, Region V, Chile