Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Keeping busy

As was always the plan, I've been slowly getting back to work since the end of our travels back in April. Lately, I've made it up to half-time-work, half-time-mom thanks to both my mother in law and Joan taking whole days with Camilo each week. Life feels REALLY BUSY lately, but because I MUST or because I'm a glutton for punishment, I also over commit myself to creative projects, social activities, circus classes (I'll post about this one later!), and the like, and I'm exhausted! Exhausted, but proud. Not so proud of my [lack of] advancement with work, but pretty darn smitten with some of my crafty side projects. Here's one of my more successful ones...

Lots and lots of fun fabric scraps! Bright! Shiny! Furry! Fuzzy!

Turn them into 12 unique soft blocks! I love these so much because each square also has a special memory of whatever that fabric was in its first incarnation.

Throw them into the play pen with Camilo for some block-pit action!

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Las Cruces, Region V, Chile