Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Weekend Funsies!

We had a fun family weekends filled with firsts for all three of us! First, we had a friday night at the circus... no performing animals or transvestites this time, but a really neat troupe of clowns that spanned 4 generations all performing together! Lots of farts jokes, water spray, and prat falls - and tons of music! I couldn't believe how multitalented all these guys were! Camilo was mesmerized by the whole show but his favorite parts were the sweet kettle corn and the aerial acrobats that performed between the clown acts.  February is circus season here in Chile, so we'll be taking Camilo to as many as possible!

Saturday we packed some sandwhiches and headed back to the port of San Antonio to watch a football game (think minor league soccer). Camilo sat still and enjoyed himself for the first half, but the action was just too far away for him to really pay any attention to. He spent the second half eating dirt and throwing rocks. Good times.

Camilo and I heard a LOT of new dirty words in the bleachers that day! But San Antonio beat Melipilla 1-0!
Because as Ellie says, "you have to go on all the rides!" I HAD to try the weird bag of pickles they were selling in the bleachers... I got 6 pieces of a dill pickle, a piece of cauliflower, a half slice of carrot, and 1 pearl onion. Weird stadium food, but salty and yummy. It would have been PERFECT with a cold beer, but alas, ALL alcoholic beverages are banned in any stadium, sporting, or concert events in Chile.
  Then Sunday, we got up early and headed to Lo Abarca (famous for their pork ribs) for a real farmers market. We set our expectations low, but were pleasantly surprised by what we found. Typical cueca dancing, cowboys, power tools, local wine, artesanal beer, etc, etc! Camilo's cuteness even scored us a free head of hydroponic lettuce!

It's hard to do a family sized selfie and include the giant rooster behind us, but Joan did a pretty good job!

They also had a little petting zoo with sheep, cows, horses, chickens, and turkeys, but Camilo was much more interested in the water buckets.

Sunday night, BBQ in the back yard - what a great weekend!

1 comment:

Ellie said...

You guys are adorable! I MISS YOU!!!

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Las Cruces, Region V, Chile