Monday, November 4, 2013

Pobre Beto!

Our little puppy is becoming a little man! Sooooo... it was high time to neuter him! A humane society veterinarian comes through Las Cruces a few times a year to spay and neuter strays and other pets at low cost. The only catch is that you have to help out with the procedure!

Beto gets veeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyy sleepy before his "procedure." His blue bracelet was his number, aka his place in line - there were a LOT of doggie friends there that day!
The vet and his assistent all had a good laugh at Beto's tiny "coquitos!" There is one of them in the top left. My job was mostly just to keep that leg out of the doctor's way.

Beto in recovery. His "procedure" took all of 5 minutes.

Camilo liked slapping Beto in the lampshade of shame. Don't worry Beto, it's Camilo's turn for surgery soon and you can lick your revenge while the baby has his arms strapped in restraints!


dickey shinen said...

wHAT A cute picture of them both

dickey shinen said...

what a cute picture of thhem both

dickey shinen said...

wHAT A cute picture of them both

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Las Cruces, Region V, Chile