Before Camilo's operation, I was adamant that we have professional pictures taken of Camilo sans dynacleft, sans nose hook, sans marks from any of the above. I had read an account of a grown man with a repaired cleft lip and palate, now a parent to baby with a cleft, who had no recollection of his cleft or any of the procedures. While this is fine, and we all hope that Camilo won't remember the surgeries or the discomfort, this man is struggling to relate to his newborn because had NO memories - his parents took no pre-surgical pictures, never took him out of the house until after repair, refused to talk about his cleft, and treated it like a shameful disease! Well we loved Camilo the way he was before he was born, fell in love with his beautiful face the day he was born, and in many ways were sad to see that cleft smile go! We are so proud of him the was he was/is/will be and we hope that the cleft is something he is very comfortable knowing, talking, and even joking about some day. So we had our photographer friend Carola come by and do a photo shoot with our little "Lippy" the day before we headed for Santiago for surgery. Here are some of our favorites...
Love the smiling cleft pictures, he is beautiful either way
Hey Jenna,
Congrats! Camilo is lovely! I esp. love the lounging on Eomer pose. You guys seem like you are doing great, Chile agrees with you.
He is so beautiful, Jenna. These pictures make me tear up. They way he is smiling/laughing while looking up at his pretty Mama. No feeling like looking down on that face in the whole wide world. - AH
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