Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tired of the fruit...

I, like so many women, are informed on a weekly basis something like this, "Congratulations! This week your baby is the size of a INSERT FOOD ITEM HERE!"  (I have an app on my phone that keeps me up to date on these baby-food forms.) We celebrated getting out of the seed/grain/legume phase. It felt GREAT to finally make it to a blueberry, and then even a grape. But today, after hitting double digits (10 weeks) and the change over between the vulnerable embryonic stage and the official fetal stage, I have been informed that I'm carrying a kumquat. Yes, a kumquat. What the hell is a kumquat?! I have never in my life seen a kumquat, let alone eaten one of these things. My googling has revealed it to be a small citrus, no relation to the loquat (go figure, they have the same last name, I thought they'd be brothers). If I can't relate to it, and by relate I mean if I haven't eaten it, I'd prefer not to imagine it in my belly. So what else is the size of a kumquat? Tater tots. I love tater tots. Week 10 is now tater tot week. Enjoy.

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Las Cruces, Region V, Chile